Yoga Retreats with Guruji Bryant Francesco

India – 2025 January

Explore incredible India with Guruji Bryant. Train in the mecca of yoga, feel the love, and experience the culture through the lens of an Indian yoga guru. Travel with Guruji Bryant for a trip of a lifetime!

Past Retreats

India – January 2023

A cultural and spiritual retreat in India / train with Guruji Bryant Francesco in his native country India. Have to be a Santoshyoga student to join.

Please Note: Registration for the retreats is closed for this year. Please contact for registration for next year’s retreat.

India with Guruji Bryant Francesco

Summer All Levels Yoga Retreat

June 1.2.3 – 2023 ( Cedar Valley Retreat Centre, Wisconsin)

Reflections and feedback – Your SantoshYoga Retreat

Guruji Bryant,

Monday morning and I Am joyfully well!

The retreat was an amazing experience for me. The center was a beautiful place and I especially loved the peaceful and beautiful outdoors. It was good to be disconnected from emails and phone calls and spend time with a great group of people.

The meditation sessions were powerful for me. It was only the 2nd time I’d experienced such a deep connection to something inside and I felt so safe and loved, relaxed, calm and happy.

I wasn’t expecting the rigorous asana practice but loved every minute of it! I enjoy pushing my body to the limits and focusing on my breathing. Breath work has helped me so much in my kettlebell training, biking, hiking and stressful moments. I often times catch myself breathing shallow while I’m sitting and or working and my awareness kicks in to concentrate on conscious breathing.

I’m so grateful for your teaching. Your knowledge is incredible and your sense of humor keeps things in check-reminding me not to take things too seriously.😁

Thank you for sharing your talents and helping me to continue learning how to love no matter the circumstances and to always be filled with joy and gratitude.

Cindy D