Santosh Yoga Classes by Guruji Bryant Francesco

Santosh Yoga Class in Wisconsin US.

2024 Summer I Training Schedule

Monday – Womens’ Self Defense

Ketsugo & Yoga—Self Defense and Street Survival

(Combination of Karate, Judo, Aikido, Savate &

Yoga) – Monthly program

Begins: June 3, 6pm—7.15pm 7weeks—$160


Yoga for Knees ,Lower-back Pain & Hip Issues

May 28, 5pm-5.45pm 7weeks —$350

Adv. Beginner II to Intermediate

May 28, 6pm-7.15pm 7-weeks—$160


Beginner, Adv. Beg I , Restorative

May 29, 6pm-7pm 7- weeks $160


 Adv Beg I, II to Intermediate

June 8, 7am-8.15am 7-weeks-$160

Beg -Adv Beg I & Restorative

June 8, 8.30am-9.30am 7-weeks—$160 

Santosh Yoga Etiquette

Some things to keep in mind when you practice Alignment Based Yoga.

Remember when you enter our Center, you are entering a sacred space, take off your shoes and respect the ground you walk on.

  • Try to arrive to class on time, if joining the class late – do not enter the training space during the opening invocation, please wait and then join in. But remember – better late than never in class.
  • Leave your socks and shoes on the rugs, please do not walk with your shoes beyond the entry rug.
  • Yoga is practised barefoot.
  • Place or leave all your bags, and bottles at entry, only bring your yoga gear on the training floor.
  • If arriving earlier than the teacher or other students please lay your gear down, settle down and start preparing for class.
  • It is disrespectful to leave class early without informing the teacher in advance.
  • If you are borrowing any of the centre’s yoga accessories, please return them in exactly the same way you took it.
  • Ask permission before borrowing any gear.
  • As a sign of respect please avoid walking on other student’s or the teacher’s mats.
  • Move things in the studio with your hands, as a sign of respect for your gear. Do not use your feet to move things, even small items like your yoga brick or strap.
  • If doing a makeup class, request permission in advance – email the teacher and get approval prior to attending the makeup class.
  • Please follow the teacher’s instructions, do not do any actions/ moves or postures on your own. Santosh Yoga
    teachers are highly trained and try to adjust the postures to your needs. Follow the teacher’s directions when they suggest a prop, an accessory or a different position/asana/posture than what you may be used to.
  • If you have practised yoga elsewhere or a different style of yoga, you will enjoy how what you have learned gets more informed
  • Santosh Yoga classes and space is only for registered paid students
  • Santosh Yoga reserves the right to who it allows into its classes
  • Santosh Yoga reserves the right to ask any student to leave if they demonstrate behavior that is disruptive or shows contempt for the instructors.
Makeup & Refund Policy

Santosh Yoga Group classes Refund Policy :

You should plan to attend all your classes for the module/program you have signed up for. If students are enrolled in/paid for a Monday night class at 6pm for example, please attend the Monday night at 6pm class. If you are unable to attend a class, please let us know as soon as possible via email. You may attend up to 2 missed classes in a module, in another class of that level of practice or lower only.

Up to only 2 missed classes of one module can be carried over to another module, as long as the student has paid/enrolled in the new module. Students cannot transfer their fees/enrollment at any time to another student or family member in the module, except at the start of the module.
NOTE: No makeup of missed classes will be allowed from one year to another year.

There are no refunds of any sort; for any circumstances, once class 1 of the module you joined/paid for has begun. If you are not sure you can attend classes, please re-consider prior to joining the module. By joining our modules, you agree to this makeup policy for the time you are enrolled in the program.

A module is defined as a group class: E.g. Winter I, Winter II, Spring I, Summer I, Summer II, Fall I, Fall II. (Typically Winter, Spring, and Fall modules tend to be 7 weeks, Summer tends to be 7 weeks or 4/5 weeks  Note: This is subject to change one module prior in any year).

Make up for private classes
Once you purchase the package for private classes and you started Class I, no refund will be given unless a Doctor’s approval or serious family crisis has been identified. All private classes have to be completed within a span of six months otherwise your forfeit your private classes

Copyright @2019  Group Classes Refund Policy